
Alzheimer’s Life Expectancy Calculator: Data Collection

Our Alzheimer’s life expectancy model relies on statistical information. The greater the data set from which we draw the time to nursing home level of care and life expectancy, the more accurate our model can be. Our organization requests that you contribute anonymously to our database, information about your loved one’s journey with Alzheimer’s Disease or other dementias. Doing so we will help us make our data model more accurate as well as expand the Alzheimer’s Life Expectancy Calculator to include other forms of dementia such as FTD, LBD, Parkinson’s, and Vascular Dementia.

No personal identifying information about the contributor or loved one with dementia is required. Thank you for your assistance with the development of this tool.

Please answer the following questions about your loved one’s dementia journey.

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  • What type of dementia did or does the individual have? If diagnosed with more than one type, select multiple values.

  • Gender

  • At what age did their symptoms first appear?

  • At what age did they receive a diagnosis?

  • At what age did they require nursing home level of care?

  • Defined as cannot care for his / herself because of medical, behavioral, cognitive or functional causes.
  • Do or did they have symptoms associated with speaking such as a loss of volume, slurred or monotone language? If so, at what age did they first begin?

  • Do or did the individual’s facial expressions change due to their condition? For example, do or did they lack expression or were their lips slightly separated when resting? If so, at what age was this first noticeable?

  • Do or did the individual’s posture_age change due to their condition? For example, were they stooped beyond what is normal for persons their age or do or did they lean to either side? If so, at what age was this first noticeable?

  • Did or does the individual show a slowness of limb movements or abnormal gait(walking)? If so, at what age was this first noticeable?

  • Did or does the individual experience delusions or hallucinations (either visual or auditory)? Examples include paranoia, hearing phantom noises, not believing their home is theirs, or a loved one is an imposter. If so, at what age were they first noticed?

  • If they have passed away, at what age did they pass?